By establishing an endowed Field of Interest Fund, you can focus your giving on the issues and causes you care about most — such as youth, environment, education, healthcare or the arts. With this type of fund, your gift remains flexible to meet community needs in your interest area — even as they change over time.
Field of Interest Funds
• You identify a field of interest that is meaningful to you.
• You make a gift to the Topeka Community Foundation during your lifetime or through a bequest in your will. You can give cash, appreciated securities, real estate or other assets.
• You sign a simple letter of direction, which establishes the fund. The fund may bear your name, the name of your family, or the name of any person you choose to honor. Or you may select a name that reflects your field of interest.
• You receive tax benefits in the year your gift is made.
• The basic administrative details are left up to us.
• Our professional community investment staff continually monitors changing community needs so that you can be sure grants made in the name of the fund make the most impact in your field of interest and create your personal legacy of giving.
• You and others can add to the fund you establish at any time, receiving tax benefits with each new gift.
• The Topeka Community Foundation will prepare quarterly fund statements for you, which report the market value of the fund, gifts received, investment returns and grants distributed.