The Foundation has built its reputation on trust and strong financial stewardship. Our financial documents are available through the links below. If you have questions, feel free to contact us.
Click on the links below to view the document.
2023 Audit
2023 990 Public Disclosure
2023 990T Public Disclosure
Investment Options
The Topeka Community Foundation takes seriously its stewardship responsibility as a manager of many different donor funds. It recognizes that each donation, no matter the size, reflects an implicit trust in the Community Foundation's ability to invest resources wisely in accordance with each donor's charitable wishes.
Primary responsibility for managing the Topeka Community Foundation's investment portfolios has been delegated by the Board of Directors to the Asset Management Committee. This committee sets policy, establishes performance benchmarks and continually monitors the performance of the Community Foundation's portfolios.
The Foundation offers its donors two investment options: The Long-term Portfolio and the Short-term Portfolio. Click here to learn more about the Foundationβs investment program.