Create a Fund
Creating a fund at the Topeka Community Foundation is an easy and effective way to invest in the health and vibrancy of the organizations that are meaningful to you. In a few easy steps, you can begin to put your charitable dollars to work in the areas that are most important to you.
Manage Your Fund
Once your fund is established, you have access to a range of services to help manage your fund and enhance your giving experience.
Manage your fund
Make grant recommendations, view your fund balance and review your fund history at your convenience through our online donor portal.Contribute to your fund
Add to your fund anytime using any of our accepted assets.Engage with Us
We are pleased to offer opportunities to learn firsthand about community issues and initiatives and meet other people who share your interests.
Investment Options
The Topeka Community Foundation takes seriously its stewardship responsibility as a manager of many different donor funds. It recognizes that each donation, no matter the size, reflects an implicit trust in the Community Foundation's ability to invest resources wisely in accordance with each donor's charitable wishes.
Primary responsibility for managing the Topeka Community Foundation's investment portfolios has been delegated by the Board of Directors to the Asset Management Committee. This committee sets policy, establishes performance benchmarks and continually monitors the performance of the Community Foundation's portfolios.
The Foundation offers its donors three investment options: the Growth Portfolio, the Income Portfolio or donors may choose to have their fund invested by their professional advisor. Click here to learn more about the Foundationβs investment program.
βThe Topeka Community Foundation is investing in our community and their success means we can continue making progress on providing access to all and increasing hope, prosperity, health and happiness. β
How it works
We are proud to work with individuals, families, businesses and nonprofit organizations to meet their unique charitable goals. We provide flexible options to ensure your fund is tailored to you and your charitable goals.
The Community Foundation provides flexible options to meet your planning needs. You may give today or plan for a future fund.
We offer several types of funds, depending on your charitable goals.
You may donate several types of assets to establish a fund. We have experience in handling gifts, from simple to the most complex.
Funds can be named for you, your family, your business or memorialize a loved one. You may also choose to remain anonymous by selecting a name that reflects your charitable interests or is otherwise meaningful to you.
A fund can be created quickly and easily through a brief fund agreement, signed by the donor and the Foundation. It becomes our guide to follow your intent during your lifetime and beyond.
5 Reasons you should consider a Donor Advised Fund
You will receive a charitable deduction from income in the year you contribute to your donor advised fund.
Gifting stock, farmland or other highly appreciated assets maximizes your tax advantage by allowing you to avoid capital gains.
When you donate assets to your donor advised fund, whether during your life or as part of your will or trust, it removes the asset from your estate, lowering your taxable estate.
"Bunching" allows a donor to group, or bunch, several yearsβ worth of charitable donations into one contribution, pushing their itemized deductions above the new higher standard deduction amount for that year.Item description
A donor advised fund provides an opportunity to create your philanthropic legacy.
Email us today or use our form to submit a message.
Marsha Pope: